Off-Page SEO Services: A Complete Guide For Off-Page SEO

It refers to SEO tactics applied outside of the website to improve its rankings. These techniques often include link building, guest posting, and more.

What is Off-Page SEO

The goal of this search engine optimization is to get search engines to see your website as more trustworthy and authoritative, in order to do that you have to write content of your website as a industry expert.

it plays an important role in search engine optimization.

Most SEO tactics fall into three categories: On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO.

All three are crucial from the website optimization point of view. But they are totally different from one another.

On-page: covers the skill that you can control on your website to help search engines rank and understand your content better. Like your site’s content, title tag, keyword usage, URLs, internal links, etc.

Off-page: refers to action that is taken outside of your website. Like backlinks and mentions on other web sites.

Technical SEO

It refers to activities that directly concerned with how search engine crawl and index your site. Like site speed optimization, structured data, and many more.

On-page SEOOff-page SEOTechnical SEO
Site contentLink BuildingSite speed
Title tag and meta tag optimizationContent marketingStructured data
H tag optimizationSocial mediaCanonicalization
Internal linkingPodcastXML Sitemaps
Image optimizationReviewHreflang
Types of Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Off-Page SEO Techniques

So here we have, 5 most important off-page SEO tactics, you can use to boost your site’s authority and organic search traffic:

  1. Link Building
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Local SEO (GMB and Citations)
  4. Reviews
  5. Events

1. Link Building

Link building means to getting other websites to link pages on your own site, or by guest posting on other site and mention your website link in your post. In the field of website optimization, such types of links are known as backlinks.

The more backlinks from high-authority website a page has, the more authoritative it may seem to Google, And it will definitely help you in the improved rankings.

Here are two key factors you should consider with link building:


“Authority” as its words indicates is a measurement of a website or webpage’s overall “Quality”, means it gives you a trustworthiness. It’s rely on how many high-quality backlinks your website have, let’s take a example Search Engine Journal is a good website for SEO.

Which means:

You want link from high authority websites. This leads your site to rank higher and make you a valuable source.

To find website’s authority score, use your Backlink Analytical tool.


 First of all, by entering your domain name click on “analyze”

Then you will see the “Authority Score.”

Like this:

authority score

Note: It doesn’t mean you should avoid links from websites with low authority. They probably won’t be as valuable as website with high authority, But they also won’t hurt SEO efforts.

Unique Domains

Another link building metric is number of separate domains (referring domains) that point links to site.

According to Backlinko study there is a clear relation between referring domains and higher rankings. Gaining more links from as many relevant, quality domains as possible will be a key to success.

You can quickly see the number of unique domains that link to your site in Backlink Analytics.

Enter any domain and click “Analyze.” The dashboard will quickly show the number of referring domains.

Like this:

how many unique domains does an average PR campaigns earn links from?

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is important off-page SEO tactic.

Publishing great content is effective way to earn backlinks, gain media attention, and show E-A-T.

And finding ways to distribute that content to other channels can help boost your off-page signals.

Some of those channels include:

  • PR
  • Social Media
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Guest Posting
  • Podcast
  • Content Syndication
  • Forums

And more.

PR (Public Relation)

Digital PR is now link-building tactic of choice for many SEOs. It’s great way to earn authoritative links at a scale.

Studies shows the average campaign earn links between 10 and 24 referring domains.

how many unique domains does an average PR campaigns earn links from?

PR contributes in many different ways rather than building links.

A great PR campaign can also:

  • Increase brand awareness and branded searches
  • your website should be easily visible to your audience
  • Drive referral traffic
  • Show E-A-T

Social Media

Social Media isn’t a direct Google ranking factor. But, it can increase your attention easily.

The more people on social media share your content, the more links for specific piece of content you’ll probably get.

And even don’t get a link, you’ll get more attention. And more attention increases your outreach to more branded searches and mentions.

A win in every situation for your off-page SEO.

If you need a hand with your social media, check out free social media tool kit.


Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a strategy where brands work with popular bloggers and social media creators to promote their product and services.

It’s a phenomenal way to build your brand, amplify your content, and reaches new audience.

Influencers have large number of audience. It can help you make sure that you’re live, as a business, on various platforms.

A quick and efficient way to find influencers is to use Buzz Gurus Analytical Tool.

For example, we can search for Instagram influencers as shown, here

Filter by number of subscribers, category and price and more to find influencers who may be most helpful for your Brand.

Guest Posting

Guest posting gets your brand in front of a different audience and can lead to mentions and backlinks.

It signals to search engines that you’re an industry expert.

Plus, It’s one of the most effective link building tactics-as evidenced in a study of 850+ SEO specialists:

Guest posting

To find Guest Blogging opportunities, try searching on Search Operators like these:

  • “Your target keyword”,+ “this is a guest post by”
  • “your target keyword”, + “this is a guest contribution”
  • “your target keyword”,+ “guest column”
  • “your target keyword”, + “guest post”
  • “your target keyword” + “contributing writer”
  • “your target keyword” + “contributing author”

This will show you sites with at least one post written by a guest author.

If they have accepted guest posts before, they might also accept yours. And they might allow you to include a link to your site in your contributed piece.

For example, if you’re writing about affiliate marketing, you can search for “affiliate marketing” + “this guest contribution”.

Like this:


And once your article gets published on another site, keep track of its performance. Both in terms of referral traffic and social shares.

It’ll help determine which sites are worth reaching out to again and which to avoid.

To start, open up Semrush’s Post tracking tool.

Then, enter your post’s URL and click “track content Performance”.


You’ll then see a dashboard with a quick overview of your article’s metrics.


Analyze each post’s referral traffic, backlink, and social shares.

Determine which topics and content types are more likely to attract new audiences. And work on creating (and pitching) more of those.

For deeper dive, into strategy, read out definitive guide to guest blogging.


Podcasts are immensely popular right now. And that popularity shows no sign to slowing down.

If you are not using them as part of your marketing strategy, you could be missing out on huge opportunities.


Most business still aren’t using as podcasts as part of their strategy, so they’re a great way to get a competitive advantage.

They’re also a great way to reach new audiences, share your expertise, and gain visibility on other sites.

Podcast also offer an additional SEO benefit: backlinks. If you’re guest on a podcast, they might link to your sites.

Or if a podcast is discussing a particular subject, they could find your site and use it as a source somewhere in their description.

And if you know what podcast usually covers, you can reach out to them with a suggestion to link your content.

Content Syndication

Content Syndication refers to republishing the content on one or more websites.

Some publications like to syndicate content because it’s easier than creating fresh content all the time.

And it’s great for you because you’ll get your brand in front of new audience.

Here are few popular content syndication platforms:

You can also find sites in your niche and reach out them about syndicating your content.

But syndicate content carefully.

Google says it will “always show the version we think is most appropriate for user in each given search, which may or may not be the version you’d prefer.

To prevent that from happening, make sure the syndicated version of the piece links back to your original one. And properly configure your canonical tags.

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