Search Engine Optimization(SEO): The 3 Types You Must Know

Search engine optimization is a process of optimizing your website with the goal of improving your ranking on search result page and getting more organic (non-paid) traffic. Search engine optimization focuses only on organic search results and does not include PPC optimization. However, both are part of search engine optimization.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization is a process of optimizing your website with the goal of improving your ranking on search result page and getting more organic traffic. The history of SEO date back to 90’s when search engine emerged for the first time. Nowadays it is an essential marketing strategy and an ever growing industry. Search engine optimization focuses only on organic search results and doesn’t include PPC optimization.

Why SEO is necessary?

The search engines are used by internet users when they are searching something, and you want to provide answer for something. It doesn’t matter whether you sell a product or Service, write a blog or anything else, search engine optimization is must for every owner. In simple words you can say that SEO is all the action you do to make Google consider your website a quality source and rank it higher for your desired search queries.

What are the types of SEO?

SEO can be divided into mainly three types:

  1. ON-PAGE SEO: is everything you can do on the website- from optimization of content through technical aspects. In simple words we can say that On-Page SEO is all the changes we made online on the websites from the content to its color scheme.
    Some useful parameters are the following:
  2. Keyword research.
  3. Content optimization.
  4. Title tag optimization.
  5. Page performance optimization.
  6. Internal linking.

2. OFF-PAGE SEO: is all about getting quality back links to show search engines that your website has authority and value. In other words we can say that Off-Page SEO is a process of optimization of your website offline, all the changes you made on your website at the back links is considering in this category.
There are some important parameters are given below:

  1. Guest blogging.
  2. E-mail outreach.
  3. Broken links building.

3. Technical SEO: Technical SEO plays one of the most important role in your website ranking on Google. If pages on your site are not accessible to Google, how can you imagine of ranking your pages on top of SERPs.

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