5 Types of digital marketing

Digital marketing can be broadly divided into 5 categories: Search Engine optimization, Pay-per-click, Web Design, Content Marketing and Social Media marketing.

1. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is a process of optimizing your site in such a way that search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, DuckDuckGo) show your website on higher rank in (Non-paid , organic) Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). In order to do that you have to write a quality content, and use quality backlinks, and don’t use keyword stuffing because, it can affect your rankings.

2. Pay per click (PPC)

PPC stands for pay per click, in this digital advertisement model advertiser pays commission for each time when one of the ad is clicked by user. Indeed paying for target audience is a worth. lets take an Example, if you pay 1$ for a click but the click results in100$ sale, then you have made a good profit.

3. Web design

Web designing is a process of making a website, from structure of each page to color schemes and font choices. This isn’t possible without web design to deliver a structured presentation of your web site that attract users to engage.

4. Content marketing

Content marketing is a specific marketing approach focused on reaching target audience by creating a relevant and high quality content to attract and retain clearly defined audience, ultimately to drive profit.

5. Social media marketing

Social media marketing is managing brand’s social presence on different social media platforms in order to build identity, spread awareness, and drive conversion. This include blogging, managing social media pages, using hashtag etc. It also includes engaging through organic-or unpaid-efforts.

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